About Indigenous Energy Australia

About Indigenous Energy Australia

Indigenous Energy Australia (IEA) is an Aboriginal profit-for-purpose organisation committed to combating climate change and improving the livelihoods of Indigenous Australians. IEA achieves these commitments through the development of enabling infrastructure (e.g Energy, Water, Telecoms, Transport, Waste and Waste Water) with communities. IEA is an authority on the intersection between decarbonisation and reconciliation. We specialise in best practice engagement and offer an innovative approach to achieving national Indigenous objectives, through the demonstration of physical projects, by building relationships between industry and community, and by shifting the mindset of the current infrastructure custodians – those who develop, manage, and own Australian infrastructure.

What IEA does

1. Infrastructure

IEA work across the suit of infrastructure to develop projects, programs, precincts, and regions that epitomise Generational Infrastructure.

We work with infrastructure developers, owners, and managers to map and understand community dynamics, establish relationships, identify community priorities, and agree on joint outcomes.

IEA act as an expert facilitator and advisor, not just pushing a project through and wrangling community, but understanding community outcomes, and the pathways through which a project can enable these outcomes.

2. Organisational

Indigenous Energy Australia firmly believe that there is a fundamental mindset shift required across infrastructure. For this reason, IEA offer internally and externally focussed organisational services.

Externally, IEA act as a facilitator and arbiter, to first assist industry/government to establish relationships with community, centred around community outcomes. We then work with both sides, to agree on fair objectives, and to build capacity to maintain relationships independently of IEA.

The internal portion of this work centres around transformational reconciliation. IEA use a ‘change management approach’, making changes within an organisation that will drive the external outcomes being achieved with community.

3. Community Advisory

Indigenous Energy Australia are a trusted community advisor with connections across the country and overseas.
IEA sit by community’s side, sometimes in front, to provide the people and the knowledge, to improve communities’ ability to seize the opportunities offered by infrastructure.

We offer objective advice centred around what is best for community. Key to IEA’s partnerships with community is an emphasis on building internal capacity and capability.

4. Knowledge Sharing

Researching, collaborating, communicating, quantifying and sharing Indigenous knowledge, and demonstrating how this underutilised and poorly understood knowledge base should be weaved through contemporary industry.

At the root of the IEA approach and our differentiating factor are three key considerations made when developing a project.

  • Adapt around Community Characteristics. e.g employment, key industry, literacy and numeracy, social cohesion
  • Harness Community Strengths e.g Indigenous knowledge, infrequent severe weather events, knowledge about the community
  • Contribute to existing community outcomes or challenges e.g how can a solar system support a business venture that is planned, or support the tackling of high unemployment or a high incidence of mental illness.

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