NSW Renewable Energy Zones

NSW Renewable Energy Zones

First Nations Guidelines 

Indigenous Energy Australia were tasked with producing First Nations Guidelines for the NSW Renewable Energy Zones. 

The intent was to inform New South Wales Renewable Energy Zone proponents on how best to engage Aboriginal communities that they may be interacting with. 

Parallel to this were conversations and advice to the NSW Dept. of Planning and Environment, Energy Co., The Consumer Trustee, and the Minister for Energy. 

IEA contributed to various parts of the guidelines, and led ~70 cross industry, and cross country, case studies of large-scale infrastructure developed with First Nations communities.  These case studies were summarised and published along with the General Guidelines. 

The outcome of this work is that the proponents and other associated groups working within, and on, the various NSW REZs, have an introduction and some understanding of what best practice means when developing large-scale renewable energy developments with First Nations communities. 

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